суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


[NextGen 50] November Prompts
01.The Beginning. 02.The Middle. 03.The End. 04.Inside. 05.Outside.
06.Spring. 07.Summer. 08.Winter. 09.Fall. 10.Storm.
11.Christmas. 12.Thanksgiving. 13.Halloween. 14.Independance Day. 15.New Yearapos;s Eve.
16.Hours. 17.Days. 18.Weeks. 19.Months. 20.Years.
21.Friends. 22.Enemies. 23.Lovers. 24.Family. 25.Strangers.
26.Teammates. 27.Parents. 28.Children. 29.Birth. 30.Death.
31.Sunrise. 32.Sunset. 33.Broken. 34.Fixed. 35.Choice.
36.Smell. 37.Sound. 38.Touch. 39.Taste. 40.Sight.
41.Freedom. 42.Caged. 43.Lost. 44.Found. 45.Silence.
46.Writerapos;s Choice. 47.Writerapos;s Choice. 48.Writerapos;s Choice. 49.Writerapos;s Choice. 50.Writerapos;s Choice.

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at a medium pace download

Apple is awesome... Unless you need help

I freaking just spent 2 hours almos on their website trying to get help with my phone. I tried allllll the troubleshooting things that it said. Still not working... And when i tried calling, no help either. Seriously, wtf. Now i have to go waste my day off at the freakin apple store. Very unhappy. And i still cant get it to work. I thought i had it goinfor like a second, but no. Very very unhappy. Im gonna go punch a wall now
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

engine mounting plate

I told myself I needed to stay away for awhile to focus on school, or better yet, harden myself enough to not go back.

Today when I saw someone holding a cup with the logo, I felt my heart twitch. Instinctively, I craned my neck to look at what drink it was.

I hate it that I have so little resolve, for not being able to make up my mind on what my priorities should be, and for not keeping to them when I tell myself I know what I need to focus on. And I really hate it, when I know Iapos;ve fallen in love with making drinks, but Iapos;m fighting a losing battle.

It was a venti no whip caramel frappucino blended coffee by the way.
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divx windows media player plug in

While transferring my drained ramen/egg mixture to a bowl some spilled onto the counter. Since my cat eats her food on my counter Iapos;m not to keen to eat things that fall on it (natch) so I picked up the eggie bits and tossed them into her bowl figuring sheapos;d either eat them or pick them out (seriously, cat picks food she doesnapos;t like outta her bowl).

I can now tell you with 100 certainty that the cat will eat boiled egg and ramen noodles, even without the uber salt of seasoning. This is vitally important news

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

character in the godfather

For those that miss emails, comments or feedback from Swandog, we do not have internet at home yet, I have ordered it, but not heard anything back yet, so I have no idea when we will get internet.

Internet access is currently over my cellphone, and since it is with me all the time and evenings have been very busy, Swandog has not been able to get online using that either. Hopefully I can get her connected for a few hours this weekend so she can catch up on a bit. Internet over her phone is just too dang expensive to use, but I have the "business plan" (from work) so itapos;s cheap (well, free for us, since work pays it), but I sorta have to bring my cellphone to work with me (since is my work phone :P)

All is fine, but is very stressy to move, and we have gotten a kitten () that moved in on or veranda. We will have to try to find itapos;s owner, and if we fail that, try to find a home for him, or take him to the shelter. Is a sweet lill black kitten.

Swan has been out with a cold, and I feel like I am next.

Oh well.

*quacks off*

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angel wall paper

But I have never felt better. NOT TO MENTION I AM SICK RIGHT NOW (and I think I may have a fever) but Dan Eldon has changed my life (and I hope this is not just a phase).� I have become best friends with a girl I disliked IMMENSELY.� I am a little more fearless and very ambitious.� Iapos;ve begun to see beyond Theatre, beyond college, and way beyond West Chester, Pennsylvania.� I have ideas forming like tornados in my head right now. Itapos;s so bad that I cannot concentrate I just want to keep making plans and being excited for the things I want to do.� its a beautiful time, and of course it is the best week of the entire year.

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clean city square

�im going to try and do this everyday, unless i forget about it which is very likely to happen. I havent gone to school since thursday im pretty sure. How successful am i, i know i know. But whatever haha. Today i went on a stupid ass geography trip which consisted of looking at rocks, seeing a dead fish, someone stepping on a butterfly, going on a random hike and someone in my class getting stuck in a cave hole. It was funny but a waste of money and a waste of my time haaaaa
um tomorrow is going to be my first day of school in like a week ahaha whatever. Then friday is toronto for ts, mandy k, fmig and teeter. How exciting. Lol.
lastnight i got a nikon d100. Its pretty neato. Im going to manhattan soon, well thats the plan but who knows.
today i pushed my dog off the couch, and iapos;ve been getting the silent treatment all day lol whatever shes stupid. My mom called after i got home from school, but i was sleeping so i didnt talk to her. Why is she so annoying, i havent talked to her since last week and shes all oh em gee imma come down there and take you out for dinner. Uhh my birthday was like 12 days ago just leave me alone, or just give me money or something and then you can leave. Its awkward, i have nothing to say to her ever. I guess she deserves it.
um nothing really interesting happened today. Its getting cold out, the weather is changing so much. The leaves are all turning colours and stuff its nice out.
im making jenn ride alfie tomorrow. Im so excited to see that hahah it will kill me.
um i have nothing really to say other than that, im going to bed soon im tired.
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banshee vs. raptor

In the library. The new librarian is top notch, i really like her. Not the fat one who looks like she should be saying "NOT A CHRISTIANANNNANNANANA" but the older lady, sheapos;s a keeper.

i should do my gov homework but i donapos;t waaaaant to. I might just end up reading 13 little blue envelopes by secret sister maureen and do my gov later.

"my love for you, it sleeps with the fishes"

i am too anxious, i want you to finish it right now so we can talk about it1

i feel really freakin cute today, country day ftw

ps new librarian is reaming a new asshole in this kid and i think heapos;s slow but sheapos;s being nice about it at the same time.


fuck annette shut up about the librarian already goddamn
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